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Showing posts from August, 2020

History of classical music from beginning /baroque to romanticism. Pt-1

  Classical music is also known as 'art music' but for clear description , classical music is a serious yet profound from of music unlike pop, jazz or Folk music. It follows long-established principles using various instruments. The instrument family is divided into categories such as string family, key family etc.. No. 1 string family : violin, cello, viola, harp, double bass or contra bass etc.. Source No. 2: key instruments: piano, keyboard, pipe organ, harpsichord, carillon, accordion etc.. Source No. 3: wood-wind instruments:recorders, flute, clarinet, oboes, saxophones saxophones , bassoons etc.. Source Brass Instruments: French horn, trombone, trumpets, horns, tuba, euphoniums etc.. Source No. 4: percussions : xylophones, cymbals , triangle, snare drum, bass drum , tambourine, chimes, Celesta etc..  Source : These were the few examples of instruments family. There are several forms and princip

Top 5 unexplainable mystery of " kailash parvat" even scientists couldn't answer!

 There are several mysteries unheard, unsolved and are unexplainable. Some might be true and proved by science but millions other questions still remains unanswered till date. Same goes for the legendary mystery of mount kailash. There are thousands of myth regarding this holy mountain. Some spread false beliefs and some are proven by science and alot is yet to be solved. No,1:No one has ever conquered the peak of mt. Kailash. It's not the tallest mountain but yet no one has ever been able to reach it's peak. It's not that no one ever tried to climb it but every one who tried to climb it failed miserably. The mountaineers say that whenever they try to climb the mountain , all of a sudden a storm out of nowhere. Some say that they suffered from heart pain all of a sudden and often caught cold. No,2: It's shape and geology. It is four  sided, identical to a pyramid. And science had proven that pyramids emits energy. Scientists from both Russia and America believe  th

Top 5 most "shocking " Facts about space that will give you chills.

Nature is full of surprises, whether from land, to the seas , deep down the mysterious oceans to dark caves . Human's curiosity is there key to know such mysteries of nature but, space is far beyond any rules, from Black holes to dark matter or to our very own star the sun. We were created by a star we live because of this star and we will die along with this star. We will continue to learn adapt and live, but for how long? So , here are 5 shocking FACTS about space that will give you chills. No,5:separating moon .      The moon, theorists say it was originated from the Earth due to a collision with a planet , the size of Mars , about 4.5 billon years ago, this is also known as Giant Impact Hypothesis. The moon is moving farther from the Earth are there rate of 4cm each year because of tidal interaction. This may sound less but after few thousands millenniums you'll never get to see solar eclipse nor lunar eclipse. There will be no tides and 1 day will be equal to one month. No


14 facts about Human body that you must know. Our world is full of surprises and unexplored things . From the tiniest living being to the largest whale , it is complex to figure out how nature actually works . Day by day ,a new thing gets discovered . whatever we know now, it is just a  minute part of vast ocean of knowledge. As much we might know about the world right now , scientists have discovered several facts about human body but some are still left to be explored. Here are few facts about human body . No,1:   Our brains are powerful enough to light a bulb. ~                      Our brains can generate electricity for about 15 to 20 watts (Roughly 0.085 w).This happens as a result from the motion of sodium , and potassium ions across the cell membrane. Through axon to the synapse , these electrical signals help to transform information . No,2: Roughly human teeth are as strong as shark's teeth.  That is because they are made up of mineral crystals held together along with pr