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Top 5 most "shocking " Facts about space that will give you chills.

Nature is full of surprises, whether from land, to the seas , deep down the mysterious oceans to dark caves . Human's curiosity is there key to know such mysteries of nature but, space is far beyond any rules, from Black holes to dark matter or to our very own star the sun. We were created by a star we live because of this star and we will die along with this star. We will continue to learn adapt and live, but for how long?

So , here are 5 shocking FACTS about space that will give you chills.

No,5:separating moon .
     The moon, theorists say it was originated from the Earth due to a collision with a planet , the size of Mars , about 4.5 billon years ago, this is also known as Giant Impact Hypothesis. The moon is moving farther from the Earth are there rate of 4cm each year because of tidal interaction. This may sound less but after few thousands millenniums you'll never get to see solar eclipse nor lunar eclipse. There will be no tides and 1 day will be equal to one month.

Gamma Rays are by far the brightest and most energetic electromagnetic cosmic event known till now. They emit energy as much as the sun would emit in it's life time, just in a fraction of a second. These super radioactive rays carries energy. It's duration may last from 10 milliseconds to several hours. These are formed under two circumstances in respect of duration.
1, short GRB: it is formed due to merging between two neutron stars. The collision between neutron stars result a burst of Ray which we know as Gamma Ray.
Black holes also emit jets of energy or GRB when it eats a neutron star.
2, long GRB : It is caused by a supernova..
Ozone layer blocks Gamma Rays from the space. Without ozone layer the Gamma Rays would wiped out entire complex living organism. Gamma Rays can easily destroy us at molecular level.

No, 3: Space infection: strange matter.
Neutron star, is densest object after black holes. So dense that even a spoon full of it would weigh about a billion tones whereas a spoonful of sun would weigh  2-3 kilograms. Inside of a neutron star or it's core lies a matter so strange that it could possibly change the very fabric of nature. Strange matter, possibly the most dangerous substance in existence , could in infect other matter and make it of it's own kind . Here are few questions and answers regarding strange matter.
Q1, what is strange matter?
A1, when an uncountable number of free quarks becomes one giant it results strange matter. It is a perfectly stable   matter or ideal state of matter . 
Q2, why strange matter is dangerous?
Ans, It is dangerous because it can convert normal matter into one of it's own kind.. More like a zombie.
Q3,what are quarks?
Ans, In simple words, quarks are the thing which makes up proton and neutron. There are six types of quarks known till date but the main two are
Up and down quark.
Q4, How quarks makes strange matter?
Ans, Neutron star is a super dense dead star formed by the death of a massive star, It has  very high temperature and in it's core the protons are so tightly packed that quarks are at shoulder packed . While some of them may form themselves as strange quarks and several others form up strange matter.......
 Q5, If quarks are only inside the neutron star, then how could they harm us anyway?
Ans, When a neutron star collides with another neutron star, or a blackhole , it releases energy and alot of insides. So the droplets of strange matter also known as strangelets roam through space until they reach an unlucky planet or a star, then transforms it into it's very own kind, normal matter then transforms into quark.

No,2: Antimatter.
Antimatter is a particle that is oppositely charged than that common matter. Antimatter is complete opposite though being identical in shape and size , it's like looking yourself at mirror perhaps completely opposite version of your self.
When an Antimatter collides with normal matter they both  annihilate each other.
If you were to make a bomb out of Antimatter you will be able to wipe off planet Earth entirely with only 2.1 trillion tones of anti matter. Since it is more of a reality than just a theory , scientists have created Antimatter, hydrogen atom 
Positron or normal matter electron. Creating these may cost fortunes ,to be precise some trillion dollars make up only 1gram of Antimatter.
Antimatter can be used as a great source of energy too..
What if you entered an Antimatter world ?
Short answer: You Die.
Long answer :As you entered your body would start annihilate the other world upon contact. Then you will die.

Finally on the top position on our list is the black hole. These mysterious body are more like the most mysterious thing ever . The more we come to know about it, the more mysterious it gets to us. this giant, eats up every thing and the only method to get rid of strangelets is to dump it into black holes. Some theory suggest that black holes could possibly be the portal to parallel universe. These Giants have infinite density , strongest gravity even light couldn't pass through it. It dines on stars ,and one supermassive black hole exists right at the center of our milkyway Galaxy. The disc surrounding the hole is known as event horizon the point of no return.
 To be continued....

We shall post further more details about black holes soon on an another post.
Make sure to follow this blog to stay tuned.
     Thanks and don't forget to comment down , we'll have a comment based post on every Saturday , do let us know what you would like to learn next.



  1. Could you write about classical music history this weekend.


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