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14 facts about Human body that you must know.

Our world is full of surprises and unexplored things . From the tiniest living being to the largest whale , it is complex to figure out how nature actually works . Day by day ,a new thing gets discovered . whatever we know now, it is just a  minute part of vast ocean of knowledge.

As much we might know about the world right now , scientists have discovered several facts about human body but some are still left to be explored. Here are few facts about human body .

No,1: Our brains are powerful enough to light a bulb.~
                     Our brains can generate electricity for about 15 to 20 watts (Roughly 0.085 w).This happens as a result from the motion of sodium , and potassium ions across the cell membrane. Through axon to the synapse , these electrical signals help to transform information .

No,2: Roughly human teeth are as strong as shark's teeth.
 That is because they are made up of mineral crystals held together along with proteins so that ,upon a sudden impact minerals won't shatter.

No,3: On a contact with your skin stomach acid can make a hole in it .
Due to presence of hydrochloric acid and and some acids used to digest food ,it can even dissolve a steel blade .

No,4:Human hair is virtually "indestructible".
 Despite of it's flammability ,it's practically 'non -dis integrative' as it decays at a very slow rate . Hair cannot be destroyed by Sub-Zero temperatures 
, Climatic changes ,or any other natural forces ,and even resists many acids and corrosive .

No,5: You can create as much as 7000 facial expressions. 
On the basis of four major expressions (ie Angry, happy, surprised and sad).

No,6: Babies have 60 bones more than that of an adult.
While most of them fuse together to form a bigger bone. Later cartilage gets replaced by bones, along with the help of calcium.

No,7: Estimated resolution of human eye is around 570 megapixels.
In a nutshell, your eyes has a resolution more than 16k .

No,8: Human skeleton completely regenerates itself in interval of 10 years .
Inorder to replace older cells, our skeleton constantly regenerates itself although it takes about 10 years to fully restore skeletal cells. As you age the process slows down , resulting thin bones.

No,9: You go blind for 40 minutes a day!
You go blind for 40 minutes a day , while moving your eyes , that's why you cannot see your eyes in motion in the mirror . This is called saccadic masking.

No,10: kidneys filters all of blood about 25 times a day.
Processing about 45.7 gallons of blood
All together.

No,11: Even if  you cut off 75% of your liver, it will still be able to fully regenerate itself.
Unlike any other organ , liver has the capability to fully regenerate itself even though 75 % of it's Part has been cut off.
Due to such healing abilities liver transplant can be possible and after few weeks or months it can grow to it's full size.
>How to detoxify liver?
Drink much water or at least more than 8 Glass of water a day .
Add garlic to your diet , this will help you detoxify because garlic contains selenium. "Drinking alcohol" , will damage the regenerating process of liver , unable to regenerate liver will slowly start to de -function ,thus, killing you.

No, 12:In the morning you're taller than the evening.
That's because while lying /sleeping your body stretches because it is horizontal, but till the evening your body shrinks thanks to, gravity for pulling your spine back.

No,13: Your ears never stop growing.
The fact is our ears are made up of cartilage ,which does stop growing but cartilages are made up of collagen and some others fibers which breaks down at a certain age thus resulting earlobes becoming larger. But our eyes never grows (eye ball to be precise).

No,14: The strongest muscle in your body (based upon weight) is called masseter.
Because of this muscle you are able to eat your food (chew basically). It provides a bite force of about 120-150 pound. It is connected form cheek bone to lower jaw.



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