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Top 5 unexplainable mystery of " kailash parvat" even scientists couldn't answer!

 There are several mysteries unheard, unsolved and are unexplainable. Some might be true and proved by science but millions other questions still remains unanswered till date.
Same goes for the legendary mystery of mount kailash. There are thousands of myth regarding this holy mountain. Some spread false beliefs and some are proven by science and alot is yet to be solved.
No,1:No one has ever conquered the peak of mt. Kailash.
It's not the tallest mountain but yet no one has ever been able to reach it's peak. It's not that no one ever tried to climb it but every one who tried to climb it failed miserably. The mountaineers say that whenever they try to climb the mountain , all of a sudden a storm out of nowhere. Some say that they suffered from heart pain all of a sudden and often caught cold.
No,2: It's shape and geology.
It is four  sided, identical to a pyramid. And science had proven that pyramids emits energy. Scientists from both Russia and America believe  that this is infact the largest pyramid in the world located at the centre of the Earth. At the bottom of this mountain lies two lakes , they are also called "mansarovar and rakshas taal".
No,3:Mansarovar And Rakshas taal .
These lake are located at the bottom of mount kailash. Lake Mansarovar is also considered as the lake of gods and rakshas taal as the lake of devils.
The shape of lake Mansarovar is identical than that of sun and rakshas taal as the crescent Moon.
These lakes are also completely opposite form one another. Since lake Mansarovar is a fresh water lake and rakshas taal being salt water lake.
Legends say that Lord Vishnu , the preserver of universe, lives at very middle of the lake Mansarovar And  King Ravana (demon King of Lanka) meditated for Lord Shiva ,the god of all gods .

No,4: The mysterious growth.
 All the mountaineers who attempted to climb the mountain reported that they noticed a sudden growth seen in their hairs and nails .... The growth which took 2 or 3 weeks took "12hours" to complete.A sudden aging is still unexplainable mystery.

No,5:Figures of "gods" at Mount NANDI.
Mount Nandi is another mountain located at the South of mount kailash.
Nandi as described in Hindi scriptures is a sacred bull-calf and vahana or vehicle of Lord Shiva. On mount Nandi there are several carvings of gods but the question is, who carved those images so large enough to cover that big portion of an entire mountain?
Thank you.

Notice : we will write on individual topic in future blogs.

 Posting Date:28/08/2020.


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