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What exactly is nothing?| Is there any truth about the concept of nothing?|

 FromQuarkstoQuasarsNewsImage of colliding galaxies. Via Kent E. BiggsIs there anywhere within the Universe where there’s truly nothing? Consider the gaps between stars and galaxies? Or the gaps between atoms? What are the properties of nothing?I want you to require a second and believe nothing. Close your eyes. Picture it in your mind. Focus. Fooooocus. On nothing….It’s pretty hard, isn’t it? Especially once I keep nattering at you. , let’s  consider the vast distance between stars and galaxies, or the small gaps between atoms and other microscopic particles. once we mention nothing within the vast reaches between of space, it’s not actually, technically nothing. Got that? It’s not nothing. There’s… something there.Even within the gulfs of region , there are hundreds or thousands of particles in every kiloliter . But albeit you'll rent MegaMaid from a Dark Helmet surplus store, and vacuum up those particles, there would still be wavelengths of radiation, stretching across vast distances of space.There’s the inevitable reach of gravity stretching across the whole Universe. There’s the weak magnetic flux from a foreign quasar. It’s infinitesimally weak, but it’s not nothing. It’s still something. Philosophers, and a few physicists, argue that *that* nothing isn’t an equivalent as “real” nothing. Different physicists see various things as nothing, from nothing is classical vacuum, to the thought of nothing as undifferentiated potential.Even if you'll remove all the particles, shield against all electric and magnetic fields, some thing your box would always contain and that is , Gravity,  because gravity can never be shielded or cancelled out. Gravity doesn’t get away , and it’s always attractive, so you can’t do anything to dam it. In Newton’s physics that’s because it's a force, but generally relativity space and time *are* gravity.So, imagine if you'll remove all particles, energy, gravity… everything from a system. You’d be left with a real vacuum. Even at its lowest energy state , there are fluctuations within the quantum vacuum of the Universe. There are quantum particles coming  in and out of existence throughout the Universe. There’s nothing, then pop, something, then the particles collide and you’re left with nothing again. And so, albeit you'll remove everything from the Universe, you’d still be left with these quantum fluctuations embedded in spacetime.There are physicists like Lawrence Krauss that argue the “universe from nothing”, really meaning “the universe from a potentiality”. Which comes right down to if you add all the mass and energy within the universe, all the gravitational curvature, everything… it's love it all sums up to zero. So it's possible that the universe really did come from nothing. And if that’s the case, then “nothing” is everything we see around us, and “everything” is nothing.What does one think? How does one wrap your head round the idea of nothing?Keep up. subscribe our daily newsletter.I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its User Agreement and Privacy PolicySubscribe.

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