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Tsar Bomba | THE LARGEST and most powerful bomb in history of mankind ever created| Hydrogen bomb .

 Tsar Bomba is that the Western nickname for the Soviet RDS-220 H-bomb . Dropped on 30 October, 1945, it is undoubtedly the largest  and most powerful nuclear device ever detonated and making it the most powerful man-made explosion in history. With a yield of fifty megatons of TNT, Tsar Bomba was the culmination of variety of H-bomb tests conducted throughout this point by both the Soviet Union and therefore the us .

Tsar Bomba was also mentioned as “Kuzma's mother.” This nickname may ask Nikita Khrushchev's promise made at a 1960 session of the United Nations General Assembly to point out the us a “Kuzkina mat,” which also roughly translates to “We'll show you!” there have been many other nicknames related to Tsar Bomba like Big Ivan, Project 7000, and merchandise Code 202 (Izdeliye 202). The Central intelligence designated the Tsar Bomba nuclear test as “JOE 111.”DesignA team of physicists led by Yuli Khariton designed Tsar Bomba. The team also included Sakharov , Viktor Adamsky, Yuri Babayev, Yuri Smirnov, and Yuri Trutnev.The Tsar Bomba was a three-stage H-bomb with a Trutnev-Babaev second and third stage design.

 A three-stage H-bomb uses a fission-type atom bomb because the first stage to compress the thermonuclear second stage. The energy exerted from this explosion is then leaded to compress the much larger thermonuclear third stage. there's evidence that Tsar Bomba utilized several third stages.Tsar Bomba could have theoretically yielded the maximum amount as 100 megatons, but it might have resulted during a dangerous level of nuclear fallout (approximately 25% of all fallout produced since the invention of nuclear weapons in 1945). Additionally, the delivery plane wouldn't have had sufficient time to get back a secure distance. 

Therefore, to attenuate nuclear fallout, the third stage incorporated a lead tamper rather than a uranium-238 fusion tamper. it's been speculated that the second stage used this method also .The uranium-238 fusion tamper greatly amplifies the reaction by fissioning uranium atoms with fast neutrons from the fusion reaction. Because fast fissioning was eliminated, thermonuclear fusion accounted for the maximum amount as 97% of the yield. Thus, despite its huge yield, Tsar Bomba didn't actually generate much nuclear fallout.

The TestA Tu-95V Soviet long range bomber piloted by Major Andrei Durnovstev delivered Tsar Bomba during the test. The bomber was amid a Tu-16 observer plane that was liable for collecting air samples and filming the test. A reflective white paint was used on the planes to attenuate thermal damage to their surfaces.Tsar Bomba weighed 27 metric tons or 59,525 lbs. it had been 26 feet long and 6.9 feet in diameter. The bomb bay doors and fuselage fuel tanks were faraway from the Tu-95V thanks to its large size. Tsar Bomba was attached to a parachute weighing nearly 1,800 lbs., which provided the bomber and observer planes overtime to fly approximately 30 miles faraway from ground zero before detonation. Despite the addition of reflective paint and therefore the parachute, a 50/50 chance of survival was predicted for those on board.On October 30, 1961, Tsar Bomba was detonated within the atmosphere at 11:32 Moscow Time over the Mityushikha Bay Nuclear Testing home in the northern Arctic Circle . The bomb was set by barometric sensors to detonate at 13,000 feet and was dropped from a height of 34,000 feet.The Tsar Bomba yield was approximately 1,570 times more powerful than the yield of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined, and 10 times more powerful than all of the traditional weapons exploded during war II. 

Tsar Bomba also represented 25% of the estimated yield of the Krakatoa eruption of 1883, and 10% of all nuclear tests by now . By comparison, the B41, the most important us weapon of mass destruction , had a theoretical yield of 25 megatons. the most important nuclear device ever detonated by the us was Castle Bravo with a yield of 15 megatons. the most important weapon of mass destruction deployed by the Soviet Union , the SS-18 Mod. 3 ICBM warhead, was also approximately 25 megatons.

AftermathAll of the wooden and brick buildings in nearby Severny, located 34 miles from the aiming point or ground zero, were annihilated. In other Soviet districts located over 100 miles from ground zero, wooden houses were demolished, and brick and stone ones suffered damages. Radio communication outages were also reported. One test witness felt the thermal effects at a distance of 170 miles, even with dark goggles. the extreme heat from the detonation was capable of causing third-degree burns at a distance of 62 miles from ground zero. The blast wave was felt as distant because the Dikson settlement located 430 miles away, and windows shattered at a distance of 560 miles. Windows even shattered as distant as Norway and Finland thanks to atmospheric focusing of the blast wave . Despite being an air burst detonated 13,000 feet above ground, Tsar Bomba’s seismic magnitude was estimated at 5–5.25.

 Seismic sensors continued to register shockwaves even after a 3rd revolution round the Earth.The original nuclear energy Commission estimate of the Tsar Bomba yield was 55–60 megatons, but since the top of the conflict and fall of the Soviet Union , all Russian sources have confirmed its yield as 50 megatons. albeit calculations suggested the explosion would reach the bottom , this was prevented when the bomb’s extremely large blast wave was reflected. The fireball nearly reached the altitude of the discharge aircraft. At the purpose of detonation, the aircraft dropped approximately one 880 yards in altitude thanks to the blast wave , but would make it to safety.

Credit :

Fig: TSAR bomba (detonated).

 The Tsar Bomba mushroom was approximately 40 miles high, seven times above Everest . The cloud reached above the stratosphere at its highest altitude. the highest of the cloud had a width of 59 miles and therefore the base a width of 25 miles.The extreme damage and devastation wrought by thermonuclear weapons just like the Tsar Bomba is unimaginable.

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