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HOW TO SLOW AGING? Methods to slow aging and better understanding of why do we age?.

 How to slow ageing? This may sound funny at first but actually it is not.

Today we'll discuss the methods of slowing down the aging process biologically and also discuss about better understanding off why do we age?

In order to know how to slow down the aging process we must know what is ageing.

Ageing can be defined as getting older in normal terms .Technically aging means change in function and structure of an organism with the time passed. But is it you who is aging or your structural body? Your body maybe only a framework For your conscious brain. Since information can be used when you are conscious when your brain is conscious. So what does it means to age if it were only to  about functions and structure? Aging is possible when our brain provides information to cells and that happens when you are conscious. So why loss of consciousness results death? Consciousness can be stored and later cloned so what's the point of aging? 

Moon jellyfish is a type of jellyfish what some people believe are Immortal. Yes they are biologically immortal. So basically they start their complex life as a polyp and they undergo metamorphosis and  get become in Medusa stage, this is what we generally pictorize a jellyfish as. So what happens to them that cause them to be immortal? The polyps are able to asexually reproduce and they have ability to regenerate tissues or damaged parts, which doesn't shows any evidence of biological aging. Which in other words means it achieved some degree of immortality.

Fig: moon jellyfish.

So what is the cause of aging? Is it the information lost in our dna or genome? But the answer is epigenome. So what is epigenome ? An epigenome consist of records of DNA. Normal terms it is responsible for turning on or off the DNA. It does so by the help of protein called histones and with methylation which is placed on the DNA. The epigenome tell the cell their purpose and provides information. So as you get older the information in the epigenome starts losing. For instance skin cell will remain skin cell unless its information is lost, so that skin cell will turn into brain cell later when the information is lost. That's why you grow hair in the places where it shouldn't grow. This happens as you get older also known when you age it is aging.

It happens due to DNA damage. When you go out in the sun when it's prickly hot , the sun will damage the DNA and and in order to to retain its form the cells bind together . In the binding process 1% is aging.

So without any further adieu,let's look at the methods of slowing down the aging process !

No,1:Don't go out in the sun goes long time when it's too hot :

It will surely damage your skin it's UV rays will damage your cells and DNA. Always apply sunscreen of at least SPF-30 .it will affect your aging process. But you do need vitamin D and the best way to obtain it is sunshine , early sun rays in the morning it's the best for 15 mins vitamin D bath.


Fig : sunbath.

No,2: Eat less food.

By eating less food ribosomes protein making cells slows down the process off making protein which slows down the aging process too. Eat less processed food and avoid junk food like pizza and burger at any cost. Try eating citrus fruits which is  good resource for vitamin c. Fruits such like oranges, lemon, kiwi fruits, capsicum, broccoli , strawberry , etc are great source. Try to avoid multivitamin tablets unless you know what what type of vitamin you are lacking. Try to eat less protein. That's why vegetarians live longer by 6 to 9 years.

Source : 

Fig : vegetarian eating salad.

No,3: Do exercise, a lot of exercise.

Studies have prove that doing exercise is far beneficial for health specially e n terms of aging. If you exercise a lot your body will not only stay healthy but also so at your cellular level the cell remain active. Our metabolism rate decreases as you age, so in order to improve and increase the metabolism rate the intense exercise I will help you do so. Body fat also increases as we grow older so exercise will it decrease body fat too. Blood sugar increases when we get older exercise will decrease the sugar too. Doing intense cardio exercise will increase the life expectancy. In a study scientist prove that 70 year old man can outrun 20 year old boy in a marathon in terms of endurance and speed if the old man has done intense exercise which help his telomeres and longevity genes. Push the heart rate up to 85% run like your running from a leopard.

Source: Thenewyork

Fig : running.

No,4: stay in the cold climate which is uncomfortable for you  or stay in the hot climate which is also uncomfortable for you.

This will push  your longevity genes into adapt ,protect, and repair form rather than grow and reproduce. This will help slow your metabolism rate and it will help age you slower . Cold weather helps you rejuvenated the skin and enhances the complexion. So cryogenic freezing in other words also known as freezing in ice (in ultra-cold conditions) will help humans to go into hibernation for years or might even centuries. So this process what will happen is the scientists I will freeze you in a big block of ice , while your metabolism rate drops and your heartbeat drops significantly for as low up to 2 beats per minute. 

Source :

Fig : cryogenic freezing chamber.

All of this will trigger your longevity genes into preserving the epigenome. Try these to improve your life expectancy at a great rate .

Thanks. check out future technologies within 2050.


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