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Showing posts from September, 2020

Tsar Bomba | THE LARGEST and most powerful bomb in history of mankind ever created| Hydrogen bomb .

 Tsar Bomba is that the Western nickname for the Soviet RDS-220 H-bomb . Dropped on 30 October, 1945, it is undoubtedly the largest  and most powerful nuclear device ever detonated and making it the most powerful man-made explosion in history. With a yield of fifty megatons of TNT, Tsar Bomba was the culmination of variety of H-bomb tests conducted throughout this point by both the Soviet Union and therefore the us . Tsar Bomba was also mentioned as “Kuzma's mother.” This nickname may ask Nikita Khrushchev's promise made at a 1960 session of the United Nations General Assembly to point out the us a “Kuzkina mat,” which also roughly translates to “We'll show you!” there have been many other nicknames related to Tsar Bomba like Big Ivan, Project 7000, and merchandise Code 202 (Izdeliye 202). The Central intelligence designated the Tsar Bomba nuclear test as “JOE 111.”DesignA team of physicists led by Yuli Khariton designed Tsar Bomba. The team also included Sakharov , Viktor

The " INDESTRUCTIBLE" animal on the planet: Tardigrade. What are they ? How they survive even in space , volcano and freezing cold ? And how they are invincible?

 Most indestructible animal on earth News this is often the foremost 'Indestructible' Animal on Earth July 27, 2017 - this is not any ordinary microscopic organism. It's a tardigrade—the most 'indestructible' animal on Earth. Also called water bears,… more X News this is often the foremost 'Indestructible' Animal on Earth Microorganisms Animals July 27, 2017 - this is not any ordinary microscopic organism. It's a tardigrade—the most 'indestructible' animal on Earth. Also called water bears, tardigrades can survive up to 30 years without food, sleep in volcanoes, and endure the vacuum of space. Researchers say they might even survive an asteroid impact just like the one that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Only the eventual death of the sun could also be enough to wipe out the tardigrades. Source : Fig : Tardigrade (water bears). By CfA Communications DateJuly 20, 2017October 3, 2017 Share Email Facebook Twitter LinkedIn T

What is fear ? What does it actually means ? What distinguishes between fear and surprised expressions ? And Is fear good for us ?

 What is fear?  Everyone is afraid of something , whether it's a spider , ghost or even a doll. We are afraid of many things and we should afraid of them , or should we? Recognizing fear countenance of fear The countenance of fear is usually confused with surprise. While both of these expressions convey distinctly raised eyebrows, expressions in fear : eyebrows are straighter and more horizontal whereas in surprise they're raised and curved. The upper eyelid is additionally lifted higher in fear than in surprise, exposing more sclera (white of the eye). Ultimately, the lips are tensed and stretched in fear , but more open and slack in surprise. Vocal expression of fear When experiencing fear, one’s voice often features a higher pitch and more strained tone. One can also scream. Feeling  of fear include feeling cold and shortness of breath. It may also include sweating and trembling or tightening of muscles within the arms and legs. Posture of fear The posture of fear can either

What exactly is death ? Is it even real? What does death feels like? 1

 What is death? What is Death? Death is like this: once you sew a shirt, you'll say that the shirt is made or born. Death is inevitable to whatever is born. The Soul is free from bond the of birth and death. It is immortal; it has no death. Anything that's born has got to die, and since there's death, there'll even be birth. So death is connected to birth. Wherever there is birth there is death. Death won't Occur without your Signature The law of nature is such nobody are often removed from here. Without the endorsement of the dying person he can't be removed from here. Does anyone endorse such a thing? You may have heard a person say " God please end up this pain , misery and suffering ". they assert this because they're suffering and by saying this, they're making a signature for his or her death. What is Death - From the view of the Enlightened Lord what's God’s vision about death? In God’s vision, no one ever dies. This is due to this r

What is ghost tour? Are ghosts real?

What is a Ghost Tour? Read This Before You GoWhat is a ghost tour? What should you keep in mind before taking one? Should you bring anything with you when you go? Most importantly, will you get to meet some real restless spirits while on the tour? In this article, we answer some common questions about ghost tours to help you have the best paranormal experience possible. What is a Ghost Tour? A ghost tour is an organized event which allows participants to learn more about the haunted history of a particular location. There are different types of tours, ranging from family-friendly haunted tours to terrifying paranormal investigation tours. If you are a beginner ghost hunter (who doesn’t want to get too spooky just yet) or have young children in your group, the former is going to be a better choice for you. However, if you’re ready for a hands-on ghost hunting experience, look for a tour with a paranormal investigation component. What to Bring on a Ghost Tour For most tours, all you’ll n