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Showing posts from October, 2020

What exactly is nothing?| Is there any truth about the concept of nothing?|

 FromQuarkstoQuasarsNewsImage of colliding galaxies. Via Kent E. BiggsIs there anywhere within the Universe where there’s truly nothing? Consider the gaps between stars and galaxies? Or the gaps between atoms? What are the properties of nothing?I want you to require a second and believe nothing. Close your eyes. Picture it in your mind. Focus. Fooooocus. On nothing….It’s pretty hard, isn’t it? Especially once I keep nattering at you. , let’s  consider the vast distance between stars and galaxies, or the small gaps between atoms and other microscopic particles. once we mention nothing within the vast reaches between of space, it’s not actually, technically nothing. Got that? It’s not nothing. There’s… something there.Even within the gulfs of region , there are hundreds or thousands of particles in every kiloliter . But albeit you'll rent MegaMaid from a Dark Helmet surplus store, and vacuum up those particles, there would still be wavelengths of radiation, stretching across vast dis